The Golden Crown Hotel is a great place to unwind after a long day of sightseeing. The Golden Crown Inn welcomes travelers with endless hospitality and service from the experienced and friendly staff. Guests will feel right at home in this hotel.
Hotel information
- Hotel opening year - 2003
- The building has an elevator
- Arrival time: 13:00 (local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
- Departure time: 12:00 (local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
In rooms
- Wi-Fi
- Baby cot
- Additional towels
- Shower without bath
- Internet Dial-up
- Minibar
- Room service
- Opening windows
- TV control panel
- Desktop
- Safe
- Satellite TV
- Phone
- Phone in the bathroom
- Hair dryer
- Central air conditioner
Hotel services
- Baby cot
- Express Check - in
- Express Check - out
- Wi-Fi
- Medical assistance
- Access to the mobile telephone network
- Natural food
- Parking nearby
- Cameras at the entrance
- Camcorders in corridors
- Camcorders in the lobby
- Vegetarian cuisine
Restaurants and bars
- Bar
- Distance to the sea: 1 line
Golden Crown Hotel is located in the old city of Istanbul, 15 km from Ataturk International Airport.