Hotel Antea is aimed at receiving foreign tourists. The hotel staff is a professional team committed to making their guests feel at home. Hotel services are provided 24 hours a day upon request.
Additional information
- In the hotel: 42 rooms, elevator
In the room
- Wi-Fi
- Baby cot
- Add. toiletries
- Shower or bath
- Soundproof windows
- Individual air conditioning
- International TV channels
- Minibar
- Opening windows
- TV control panel
- Desktop
- Safe
- Satellite TV
- Phone
- Hair dryer
Hotel services
- Babysitting service
- Bar / Lounge
- Coffee / Tea in the lobby
- Dry (chemical) cleaning
- Express Check - in
- Express Check - out
- Fire alarm
- Diabetic food
- Wi-Fi
- Access to the Mobile Telephone Network
- Natural food
- Newspapers in the lobby
- Safe at the reception
- Cameras at the entrance
- Camcorders in corridors
- Camcorders in the lobby
- Smoke alarm
- Vegetarian cuisine
Restaurants and Bars
- Restaurant
- Bar
- Cafe
Paid services
* 100 100 *
Babysitting service
- Currency exchange
- Dry (chemical) cleaning * 100 105 *
- Parking
- Spa salon
- Distance to the sea: 1 line
Antea Hotel is located in the Sultanahmet area, where history manifests itself in all its glory.