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East Coast - Pasikuda

East Coast - Pasikuda, Sri Lanka is a fantastic tourist destination that holds something for everyone. The mesmerizing crystal-clear waters and extensive, untouched coral reefs make Pasikuda a heaven for beach lovers, snorkelers and divers. The picture-perfect shoreline offers several water sports activities such as jet-skiing, parasailing and banana boat rides. Adventure seekers should not miss the chance to visit the nearby Kalkudah beach, which is famous for its windsurfing and kitesurfing opportunities.

For a more cultural experience, tourists can explore the ancient Hindu temple of the Koneswaram Kovil in Trincomalee, which offers breathtaking views of the coast. The 17th-century Dutch fort, built during the colonial era, displays Sri Lanka’s rich historical past. A visit to the Aukana Buddha statue or the rock carvings of Polonnaruwa offers real insights into Sri Lanka's ancient civilizations.

As the sun sets, Pasikuda offers a chance to enjoy the mouth-watering seafood delicacies and witness the beachside festivities, fire dances and music performances in nearby restaurants and hotels.

In summary, East Coast - Pasikuda, Sri Lanka is an incredible destination that offers a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation.

Food in East Coast - Pasikuda

Pasikuda, located on the East Coast of Sri Lanka, is a stunning location with clear turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and great local cuisine. A lot of tourists come here to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the area, and of course, enjoy some of the delicious local Sri Lankan cuisine.

One of the must-try dishes in Pasikuda is the seafood. Fresh prawns, crabs, lobsters, and fish are caught daily and cooked to perfection using local spices and ingredients. The grilled seafood platters are a favorite among tourists, as they are usually served with a range of dipping sauces that add an extra kick to the already delicious flavor.

Another popular dish in Pasikuda is the kottu roti. This is a Sri Lankan specialty that is made using chopped flatbread, vegetables, eggs, and meat, all mixed together with a range of spices and served piping hot. You may also find different variations of kottu roti, such as cheese kottu or seafood kottu.

Rice and curry is another dish that you shouldn't miss out on. In Pasikuda, it is typically served with a range of flavorful curries, vegetables, and sambols. If you're not that adventurous with spicy food, make sure to tell the chef to make it mild.

Finally, don't forget to indulge in Sri Lankan desserts such as Watalappan and Kavum. Kavum is a deep-fried dessert made from rice flour and treacle, while Watalappan is a sweet pudding made from coconut milk, jaggery, and eggs.

In summary, Pasikuda offers a range of delicious Sri Lankan cuisine. From fresh seafood to kottu roti, rice and curry, and sweet desserts, you're sure to find something to satisfy your cravings. So, make sure to indulge in the local cuisine on your next visit to Pasikuda.

Amazing places to visit in East Coast - Pasikuda

If you are looking for a pristine and breathtakingly beautiful beach destination in Sri Lanka, look no further than Pasikuda on the East Coast. This secluded strip of coastline boasts some of the most serene and unspoiled stretches of white sand and crystal clear waters in the country. Here are some of the highlights to check out:

1. Pasikuda Beach: This is the main attraction, with a gently sloping beach that is perfect for swimming and relaxing. The water is calm and shallow, making it ideal for kids to splash around in. You can also take a stroll along the beach or just soak up the sun and enjoy the views.

2. Kalkudah Beach: This is another stunning beach just a few kilometers away from Pasikuda. It is less crowded and quieter than Pasikuda Beach, making it a great spot for a romantic getaway or some solitary beach time. There are a few resorts and a handful of restaurants serving up delicious seafood cuisine.

3. Coral Reef: The coral reefs near Pasikuda have been ranked among the best in the world. Snorkeling and diving in these waters is an unforgettable experience, with colorful fish, turtles, and other marine creatures to discover.

4. Batticaloa Lagoon: A 45-minute drive from Pasikuda, this lagoon is a great place for a day trip. You can explore the mangrove forests by boat, watch the local fishermen at work, and visit the ancient Hindu Kallady Bridge.

5. Pottuvil Lagoon: Located about an hour's drive from Pasikuda, this is another great spot for birdwatching and boat trips. You might also want to check out the surfing scene at Arugam Bay, which is nearby.

These are just a few of the amazing things you can see and do when visiting Pasikuda on the East Coast of Sri Lanka. Whether you are looking for some beach time or want to explore the natural wonders of the region, there is something for every kind of traveler.

Best time to travel

The best time to visit Pasikuda, Sri Lanka, on the East Coast, is during the dry season, which runs from May through to September. During this time of year, the weather is consistently warm and sunny, making it the perfect time for tourists to visit the beaches and enjoy water activities. Additionally, the sea is calmer during this period, making it ideal for swimming and snorkeling.

While Pasikuda can be visited year-round, the monsoon season, which occurs from October to January, can bring heavy rains and rough seas, making it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities. The months of February to April tend to be hot and dry, which means that visitors will experience high temperatures and humidity.

One of the other advantages of visiting Pasikuda during the dry season is that there are fewer crowds, and prices tend to be lower, making it more affordable to travel and stay. There are also plenty of cultural and historical sites nearby to explore, such as ancient ruins and temples, which are conveniently located within driving distance of Pasikuda.

Overall, the best time to visit Pasikuda is during the dry season, which typically runs from May through to September. With consistently warm weather, clear skies, and calm seas, visitors can thoroughly enjoy all that this beautiful coastal region has to offer.

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