Star Holiday Hotel offers accommodation in an amazing area with views of the city's most famous landmarks. In addition to being very close to historic sites and the best location in the area, it also offers simple but very clean rooms overlooking the Sea of Marmara. This budget hotel with a great location is the pride and wealth of Turkey!
Hotel information
- Arrival time: 13:00 (local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
- Departure time: 12:00 (local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
In rooms
- Wi-Fi
- Balcony in some rooms
- Baby cot
- Additional towels
- Shower or bath
- Make-up mirror
- Individual air conditioning
- Cable TV
- Minibar
- Room service
- Opening windows
- TV control panel
- Desktop
- Hair dryer
Hotel services
- Satellite TV 24 hours
- Baby cot
- Coffee / Tea in the lobby
- Fire alarm
- General alarm
- Wi-Fi
- Access to the mobile telephone network
- Parking Nearby
- Roof terrace
- Safe at the Reception
- Camcorders in corridors
- Camcorders in the lobby
- Smoke alarm
- Lobby TV
- Translation Equipment
- Vegetarian cuisine
Restaurants and bars
- Bar
- Distance to the sea: 1 line
Star Holiday Hotel enjoys an excellent location in the heart of the old district of Istanbul - Sultanahmet. The Star Holiday Hotel is located in front of the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia Museum, which are major tourist attractions.