According to visitor reviews of hotels, Mina Hotel is one of the first places in the list of the most magnificent hotels in Istanbul.
Hotel information
- Number of rooms - 48
- The building has an elevator
- Wheelchair lift
- Non-smoking rooms
- Arrival time: 13:00 (Local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
- Departure time: 12:00 (Local time, GMT + 2, Turkey, Istanbul)
In rooms
- Wi-Fi
- Ironing board
- Soundproof windows
- Individual air conditioning
- Internet Dial-up
- Fireplace
- International TV channels
- Minibar
- Room service
- Opening windows
- Desktop
- Phone
- Hair dryer
- Central air conditioner
Hotel services
- Wi-Fi
- ATM / Banking
- Audio-video equipment
- Baby Cot
- Babysitting service
- Playground
- Computer rent
- Concierge Service
- Dry cleaning
- Rent DVD / VCD
- Fire alarm
- General alarm
- Internet cafe
- Medical assistance
- Newspapers in the Lobby
- Roof terrace
- Cameras at the entrance
- Camcorders in corridors
- Camcorders in the lobby
- Smoke alarm
Restaurants and Bars
- Restaurant * 100 100 * Cafe
- Lobby bar
Paid services
- Babysitting service
- Computer rent
- Internet cafe
- Doctor services
- Dry cleaning * 100 120 *
Hotel type: beach
- Distance to the sea: 1 line
Located in the center of Istanbul's old city, Mina Hotel offers the authenticity and charm of Ancient Istanbul.