Viešbutyje - didelė, žalia teritorija, besileidžianti į jūrą. Puikus aptarnavimas bei a la carte restoranai. Įsikūręs šalia Il Merkato prekybos pasažo ir Alf Leila Wa Leila komplekso su daugybe restoranų, barų, kaljanų ir suvenyrų parduotuvių. Viešbutyje - vienas geriausių koralinių rifų, kuris sužavės nardymo mėgėjus.
Check in: 14:00
Check out: 12:00
Renovation year: 2024
Construction year: 2008
Chain: Red Sea Hotels
Total rooms: 627
Total pools: 10
01.09.2025Reconstruction1. Poilsio paplūdimio zonoje stiprinama pakrantė. Į pagrindinę paplūdimio zoną galima patekti be apribojimų.
2. Keli pastatai uždaromi remontui tarp jų ir a la carte restoranas - Mumbai.
3. Nuo liepos 9-tos, 2024, pakaitomis bus uždaromi baseinai renovacijai. 4. The a la carte Mexican restaurant Fajitas is closed for renovations.
Location The Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh
Airport name: Šarm aš Šeicho tarptautinis oro uostas
Distance to airport: 20 km
Jį sudaro pagrindinis pastatas ir 2 aukštų pastatų kompleksas, besileidžiantis į jūrą.
Variety of dishes
Room types
Side Sea View Room
Size:28 sq.m
Number of bathrooms:1
Maximum number of guests per room:3
Maximum number of guests per room (including children):3
TV: Included
Safe in the room: Free of charge
Wi-fi: Free of charge
Telephone: Included
Balcony: Included
Shower: Included
Towels: Included
French / Twin bed: Included
Minibar: Free of charge
Toilet: Included
Hairdryer: Included
Conditioner: Included
Standard Room
Size:20 sq.m
Max Size:28 sq.m
Number of rooms in the room:1
Number of bathrooms:1
Maximum number of guests per room:3
Maximum number of guests per room (including children):3
TV: Included
Safe in the room: Free of charge
Wi-fi: Free of charge
Telephone: Included
Balcony: Included
Shower: Included
Towels: Included
French / Twin bed: Included
Minibar: Free of charge
Toilet: Included
Hairdryer: Included
Conditioner: Included
Junior Suite
Size:36 sq.m
Number of rooms in the room:1
Number of bathrooms:1
Maximum number of guests per room:2
Maximum number of guests per room (including children):3
TV: Included
Safe in the room: Free of charge
Wi-fi: Free of charge
French bed: Included
Telephone: Included
Balcony: Included
Shower: Included
Towels: Included
Minibar: Free of charge
Toilet: Included
Hairdryer: Included
Conditioner: Included
Deluxe Room
Size:30 sq.m
Max Size:32 sq.m
Number of rooms in the room:1
Number of bathrooms:1
Maximum number of guests per room:3
Maximum number of guests per room (including children):3
TV: Included
Safe in the room: Free of charge
Wi-fi: Free of charge
French bed: Included
Telephone: Included
Balcony: Included
Shower: Included
Towels: Included
Minibar: Free of charge
Hairdryer: Included
Conditioner: Included
The hotel reserves the right to change prices, services and the time of the services according to the season and weather conditions, including room types - without prior notice. Join UP! photos posted on the website are samples, so the color, furniture and layout of the hotel room and the actual condition of the room may differ. There is no united hotel classification system in the world. Hotels may be qualified by international, national or local authorities, tourism commissions or other authorities, so hotel standards vary from country to country. Even hotels of the same category in one country can vary significantly depending on location, condition, hotel size, service level and number of services offered. Please, note that Join UP! offers information about hotels based only on the hotel classification provided by the hotel administration.